Діти поводяться відповідно до того, що ми говоримо, а не відповідно до того, що ми робимо

Children behave according to what we say, not to what we do

Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Produces a podcast in 12 languages.




On Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerhard-j%C3%B6rg-ohrband-22525147/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JOhrband

If you want to save time in learning a foreign language without a teacher, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.

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