Articles by Ohrband Gerhard

Як дати негативні відгуки

32 How to give negative feedback Learn about both basic and niche topics in Work and Organizational Psychology in less than five minutes a week. If you are an HR professional, you will get inspired…

Теорія мотивації Макклелланда

31 Learn about both basic and niche topics in Work and Organizational Psychology in less than five minutes a week. If you are an HR professional, you will get inspired to explore new areas beyond…

Ефект доктора Фокса

30 Learn about both basic and niche topics in Work and Organizational Psychology in less than five minutes a week. If you are an HR professional, you will get inspired to explore new areas beyond…

Обґрунтованість тестів при підборі персоналу

29 Learn about both basic and niche topics in Work and Organizational Psychology in less than five minutes a week. If you are an HR professional, you will get inspired to explore new areas beyond…

Чи можуть шкали чесності передбачити крадіжку працівниками?

28 Learn about both basic and niche topics in Work and Organizational Psychology in less than five minutes a week. If you are an HR professional, you will get inspired to explore new areas beyond…

Коли ми не можемо зрозуміти свого лікаря

Episode 27 Learn about both basic and niche topics in Work and Organizational Psychology in less than five minutes a week. If you are an HR professional, you will get inspired to explore new areas…